Is there a way I can verify what I even purchased without getting the software and cables? I've heard a lot of talk about people incidentally bricking their radios, getting radios with depot jobs, incorrect flashing, etc. The buyer realized it couldn't be field programmed like the BK radios typically used by the FS, so I was able to pick it up from him for $215. This radio was sold from a reputable ebay seller for $450. A family member in law enforcement had an extra XTS3000 that he had a few weeks left to turn into his department and he let me borrow it during this timeframe to listen to police traffic, which sparked my interests in radios.įast forward 20+ years and I've been searching on Ebay for XTS5000, but couldn't justify spending $400+ on a VHF or UHF model, but also realized the 700/800mhz would just serve as an expensive paperweight, especially without any knowledge in radio programming and my SDR setup that already works great as a scanner.
I've wanted an XTS5000 ever since I was in elementary school. I've recently gotten into amateur radio and hope to continue learning from members in my local club.